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ODLc provides MSc students from different backgrounds and institutions the chance to compose their theses under the guidance of one of our ODLc developers. Do you have a topic in mind and are you interested in conducting your thesis under the supervision of one of our developers? Interested to join us? Please contact the by writing us an A4 proposal with your connecting and compelling ideas as a starting point for a reflective dialogue with the


Please take note that the following preconditions apply for our supervision: 


  1. Personal attitude: We expect you having a courageous and curious problem solving attitude.

  2. Governance: We provide thesis supervision on condition that the ODLc supervisor is formally acknowledged as a supervisor.

  3. Knowledge sharing: We ask the graduating student to (1) write a blog on their thesis to publish on the ODLc website and (2) present their research at the open-design school.

  4. Publication: Involvement of a ODLc supervisor as a co-author in the event of a (scientific) publication based on the thesis.


Currently we also have ODL MSc topics available (see below).  If one of these contemporary themes inspires you, we look forward receiving your original contributions reflected in an A4 proposal with your connecting and compelling ideas. 

ODL R&D thesis projects of interest


The following ODL themes are available to choose from. These themes can be applied to a wide range of reflective practitioning problems within the AEC industry and/or Service Providers (different infrastructures & real estate). These themes are linked to the Odesys Creative Commons, see


State of the art Engineering project & service Management Systems

Development of p-MSs integrating human management behavior

This theme is about the Development and/or Performance Improvement (p) of different types of management systems to achieve (i) better construction projects management and (ii) an effective quality of service management of different network service providers and their related engineering assets .


Further develop and validate the Mitigation controller (the MitC 🅭 v 2.0)  for enhancing project planning and control:

  • Improve/ Validate within different large construction project both for MitC T-schedule and MitC B-control

  • Introducing soft-links/ weather constraints for MitC T-schedule

  • Introducing multi-objective optimization including PFM : (i) improve current multi-objective selection both for T-schedule and MitC B-control (ii) first assistance for overall optimal DesignPoint for derivingmeasures (synthesis)

  • Inter-project MiTC development

  • Automated network re-structuring: Virtual Planning Assistant (compare with rocket control)

  • Further develop and validate 3C Planner 🅭 v 2.0 method for multi-system intervention optimization for interdependent engineering asset networks.

    • Improve/ Validate within different large service organizations both for 3CPlan single Service Provider and for multiple

    • Extend 3C concept with PFM in order to facilitate inter-operator decision making

    • PFM based optimization for multi-objective maintenance/renewal problem : improve paper/chapter thesis WJ. Klerk

  • Improved information management for enhanced design and construction: BIM nD. Explore and expand the nD Grassroots


The project & service Enterprise Fit for Future

From maximizing individual profit towards maximizing socio-eco purpose

This theme is about Designing effective project/product and service organizations so that they will be future-proof and resilient by maximizing their Socio-Eco Purpose. For this, a socio organic three fold model has been developed which makes it possible to diagnose the as-is socio-eco purpose appraisal of the organization in order to subsequently model future improvement measures via an organizational system simulation/game.


  • Steward ownership for improved organizational well-being. Based on context (literature) research (prof. Steen Thomson/ prof. Collin Mayer), proof why steward-ownership could work and why it can contributes to a more healthy company with a higher degree of well-being. Then first an socio-eco purpose appraisal/diagnosis using PFM. Secondly, how to transform towards and design improvement measures for a steward-owned principles based company. For this a organizational system simulation/game should be developed ( potential partners dr. Auping, dr. Bekebrede

  • Project and service organization classification and optimization using the organizational learning principles (MI/MII -PI/PII: prof. Argyris Schön, prof. v Gunsteren). Add-on building organizational system simulation/game.

  • The dynamic developing organization. Make the seven stage model measurable using PFM so that improvement measure can be quantified (seven stage : prof. Glasl, Lievegoed);

  • Designing a best fit for purpose construction project organization incl. supply chain relations based on associative co-makers (prof. Wolfert-TEAM0031 model/ McKinsey)


Designing for Best Fit for Common Purpose

From democratic compromise towards sociocratic synthesis

This theme is about Enhancing group decision making using preference function modeling principles to find best fit for common purpose solutions within a multi-actor context. For this a state of the art PFM-based Preferendus 🅭 v1.0  has been developed to dissolve group decision making problems and to unlock stalemate situations with conflicting opinions of interest. It enables finding the optimum synthesis of stakeholders views (ex-ante/ex-durante) rather than arriving at a second best compromise (ex-post). This theme enables the transition from ‘from referenda to preferenda’ so that new ideas can be disclosed following from sociocratic consent principle process instead of a democratic power process where most votes will count.


  • Confronting the conflict: development of a conflict resolver. Make the 9 Stages of Conflict Escalation according to prof. Glasl measurable. Operationalize a Preferendus based conflict resolver

  • Apply, validate and further develop the Preferendus for different applications and for different types of organization: multi-actor problem dissolution by ex-ante/ex-durante synthesis using the Preferendus (supplier selection, scenario planning, retrofitting etc


Open Design Learning and R&D innovation management

Unlocking new knowledge and design solutions, stimulating curiosity, clarity and creativity

This theme is about enhancing learning, research and development organizations using concepts from the world of pedagogical and innovation science.


  • Innovation organizational distinctions to diagnose and solve strategic errors. Make use of License giver/ License taker model (prof. v Gunsteren)

  • Society 4.0 for creating a citizens society with decentralized infrastructure networks.(partners prof. Bob de Wit Nyenrode University)

  • How to modelling Creativity? VirtualDesigner or Virtual Design Assistant Theory U, philosophy of Freedom en linking to AI (partners Robots and us: towards an economics of the ‘Good Life’dr. Ro C. W. M. Naastepad TUD & dr. Jesse M. Mulder UU and or Het slimme onbewuste, denken met gevoel Prof. Ap Dijksterhuis KUN)

  • Developing a Complex Systems response identifier (in linear systems the response function) to be able to predict future infrastructural system responses for future load scenario’s to support resilience analysis and design. Link to Open-ended systems and link with Organizational systems

  • Set up a SE design-ty framework using the socio-eco purpose as a starting point: invisible / visible physical system parameters and socio-eco constraints, incl. a Bovis-value design integration: measuring objective/subjective well-being?or measuring Remark: here economics is fit for purpose: link between -society-human-user (constraints) and -the (in)visible building-physical asset. (prof. Henket and

  • On the application of ODL for education

  • On the application of ODL for R&D….


Multicriteria R&D innovation market analysis using Preference Function Measurement (PFM) theory.

We are looking for a MSc thesis candidate for a project on multi criteria decision evaluation for a start-up company which will bring a novel pile driving technique, named Gentle Driving of Piles (GDP), on to the market. This technology will have a positive environmental impact within the offshore decommissioning market.

It is the aim to explore this specific offshore market and develop a structured market analysis using PFM. Moreover, multi-criteria business development support tooling should made to consider different options of entering the market, such as selling, renting or licensing the equipment.

We are looking for candidates who followed one of the following courses (i)CIE 4481 Systems Eng. (ii) CME4700 (iii) CME 4300 in 2021-22, so that you will be acquainted with PFM Tetra software. It will be a pré if you would be able to communicate in Dutch (especially for conducting the market analysis with the different companies).

This project is part of a NWO funded research grant.

For more info: please contact Ruud Binnekamp or Rogier Wolfert





Open Design Learning © 2020

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